Love and Family

Grandmother, why are you so grand?

Grandmother, why are you so grand? How are you so grand?

When I was a child your greatness use to frighten us.

Whether it was “go get me a switch!” or “you better eat all them vegetables”,

When you talked, we listened. 

Those cold, sweet morning when you would warm my belly 

with the most perfect Cream of Wheat will remain forever priceless. 

Burning my forehead or ears with a pressing comb? Not so much.

Grandma, why are you so grand? How are you so grand?

This is a question I often pondered as a child. 

Through my tears on Saturday mornings while we dusted the living room furniture, I wondered.

Those cold, sweet mornings when you would wave goodbye 

as I entered Rio Vista’s gates will remain forever priceless.

Three plaits going straight back with a tightly curled bang to match? Not so much. 

Grammy, why are you so grand? How are you so grand?

I’ll never forget those days in high school when you would let me drive your gold Cadillac to school in a crunch,

Or teaching me the importance of a teaspoon of fresh chopped garlic every morning.

Taking the long drive to New Orleans to drop me off at college will remain forever priceless.

Being packed in the car with five other persons for thirty-six hours? Not so much.

G-ma, why are you so grand? How are you so grand?

Through all our stages you were there. To support us. To encourage us. To pray for us. To correct us. To love us. 

In our last conversation you told me as I cried that, 

“God has blessed our family and I have seen the glory in all of you.” 

From your children to your great-great grandchildren. 

For those grand moments and the not-so-grand moments.

Grandmothers get to see our glory and that’s what makes you grand.

Thank you grandma.

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